Happy New Year!
We sure had a wonderful Christmas and hope that you did too.
We went to Florida for Christmas this year and had tons of fun!! The whole family went to the Florida Aquarium, the beach, and Busch Gardens. We also had a blast at my parents' house riding on the golf cart, playing with Nana and Bampa, and going swimming. We got to hang out a lot with my brother and his family. There are horse stables near their house that we visited and my brother has a huge Christmas light display in his yard that the boys completely loved. We loved playing with our cousins Sean and Alyse too! The time sure flew by!
Matt and I went to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure while Nana and Bampa kept the boys. We went with my brother and his family. It's probably one of our favorite theme parks we've been to! We highly recommend it.

The beach that we went to is at MacDill Air Force Base. Besides going to the beach, we also got to see all the neat airplanes!

This family picture was taken right on the spot where Matt proposed to me 9 years ago. WOW...the Lord has sure been faithful to our family. What a joy to return there with the boys and have this picture. The Lord has done great things for us.
Thanks so much for the prayers you've said for us over the years!!
Click here to see the new pictures!