Monday, July 11, 2005

Down From The Mountain

Hey! Sorry it's been awhile since we've updated. The family has spent the last couple of weeks at camp in the mountains of Colorado!

The first week, we went to Timberline Lodge in Winter Park with the seniors from Fayetteville and Springdale. It was awesome! Kerrie and Abe had their own room next door to Kerrie's girls and Abe would come over and have a sleepover with me and the guys for a couple of nights. Dad did a ton of mountain biking while mom and Abe hung out and mom went whitewater rafting while dad and Abe had a guy's day out. It took a little while for Abraham to get used to the altitude. For a few days he was breathing like a fish out of water, but after a bit he was sleeping like a...well, a baby. He's started sleeping through the night--sometimes even 12 hours!

The second week, we headed over to Ravencrest Chalet over at Estes Park for a camp with the sophomore and junior Fayetteville and Springdale students. Fortunately, the whole family got to stay together this week. We got to spend the Fourth of July watching the fireworks in Estes, which are amazing! It was fun to hang out with the students and leaders, and really fun to get to see the camp staff, who we know and love very much. It was a real treat for them to get to see Abraham. Many of them have been praying for us for a long time.

Our first real family trip was a great time! I've attached a ton of pictures. Thanks for your prayers!

Welcome back to the website of the cutest little boy in the world! We're so glad you're here! Posted by Picasa

I got the whole chair to myself! Posted by Picasa

Uuuuh...not real sure what's going on. Posted by Picasa

We spent the 4th of July in Estes Park watching one of the best fireworks displays I've ever seen. I know it was the best for Abe--it's the only one he's ever seen. Posted by Picasa

Abraham is a patriotic little bugger. Posted by Picasa

Here's the family at Ravencrest in Estes Park, CO. That's Long's Peak in the background. (I know, you probably don't care--as long as Abe's in the picture!) Posted by Picasa

Here's Daddy and Mr. Bubbles. He's getting pretty hefty. I'm going to have to start working out more. Posted by Picasa

Mama's holding Abe while he's doing his pirate impersonation. Posted by Picasa

Here's Kerrie and her girls in their room at Timberline Lodge in Estes Park. Abraham is such a ladies man! Posted by Picasa

Abe riding his first horsey. Posted by Picasa

So handsome! Posted by Picasa

So hilarious! Posted by Picasa

Hangin' out in mommy and daddy's bed. Posted by Picasa

Abe loves his Tia! She made him a special CD to listen to while she's in Mexico. Thanks, Tia! Posted by Picasa

Abe likes to practice the backstroke in his sleep. Posted by Picasa

Playing on his playmat with Elephant, Giraffe, Monkey, and Parrot. Posted by Picasa

Dad's first Father's Day! Check out the cool shirt! Apparently I'm the world's greatest dad. I didn't even know there was a contest for that. Posted by Picasa

Woo-hoo! Posted by Picasa

OOO...puppy! Posted by Picasa's sleeping. Posted by Picasa